DEMOMAN (4 life points): if he hits somebody with BANG! card, the target loses 2 life points.
One of the most powerful characters of the expansion, his monstrous hit scares other players so the player should have a good diplomacy in order to prevent others to eliminate him for safety reasons.

ENGINEER (4 life points): he may use blue cards as BANG! or Missed!.
He doesn't have to worry about weak weapons or Dynamite - if he wouldn't want to play it. He may just load it in his weapon and shoot. Or even defending himself is not a problem as long as he has some blue cards in hand. It's such an universal skill, very easy to play with.

HEAVY (5 life points): when he attacks a player next to him, the target needs 2 Missed! cards to avoid his shot.
Heavy has a similar skill to Slab The Killer, but his ability is only usable against players nearby. However, it works not only with BANG! cards, but with other cards with Bang! symbol on them.
As heavy is big, he needs to have one more life point.

MEDIC (4 life ponts): when he plays a BANG! card, he can decide if it counts as a normal BANG! or the target gains one life point.
If your partners are in trouble, your gracious help will be a relief. Even as a Deputy or an Outlaw, this feature can vastly influence the outcome.

PYRO (4 life points): Pyro may play BANG! cards as Arson.
Just as the Heavy, Pyro is also a short range-focused character. Arson is a new card in this expansion, which is considered as a normal one BANG! per turn, but it can attack 2 players with one shot: at distance 1, or at distance 1 and 2 (at one direction only)

SCOUT (3 life points): He may play any brown cards to cancel the effect of brown cards including him as a target.
Weak but agile, faster than a bullet. Hard to hit or even to take any cards from him.

SNIPER (4 life points): With any weapons played in front of him, he views everyone at distance 1.
If you have had problems with Mustangs or Hideouts in the past, forget it! The sniper just needs a gun, he applies his ultimate scope on it, and he is able to shoot anyone needed.

SOLDIER (4 life points): He is not affected by cards that include all players as a target.
For a soldier, defending against Indians or Gatling is a cake-walk. His experience and skills are just enough to use everyone else as his human shield.

SPY (4 life points): During his turn, he may discard a blue card to change place with another player.
Want to play some hide and seek? Remember that you will not just move where you want, but you can influence who will not be able to draw this round, as the player on your left will continue the round!
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