ARSON: counts as your normal one BANG! per turn. It targets all players within the line of fire. It can be used for distance 2 (distance 3 with scope/binoculars).

DIRECT HIT: who wouldn't like an extra BANG in their turns? And if it can be shot to any range? Even better! Direct Hit is a powerful attacker card against anyone in play!

SUPPLY CRATE: have you ever got a crate in Team Fortress 2? It contains all kinds of cool stuff! Only problem that you need to buy keys for them. So please when playing this card, discard an extra card from your hand, and now you can draw 3 cards!

DEAD RINGER: the most powerful Missed! you can play. Your attacker will be very sorry if he has to end his turn and discard his excess cards that he could have played! Of course it does not stop the effect of Gatling or Indians, so every player needs to discard Missed! or BANG! to avoid the shots.

SANDVICH: +1 life points. Even can be played when only 2 players are alive.
MAD MILK: +1 life points. Even can be played when only 2 players are alive.

MANN VS. MACHINE: All other players discard a BANG! card or lose 1 life point. The machines are alive and they are now stronger than ever! United you can defeat them, but some casualties are possible.

HALF-ZATOICHI: each time you hit a player with a BANG! card, you regain life points. In TF2 the Demoman regains all his life points if he kills someone. Following the analogy makes this weapon one of the coolest short-range weapons.

MEDI GUN: are you envious of the Medic because he can heal other players? Here you have the chance to follow him and help your teammates (or enemies) - at a maximum distance of 2.

SANDMAN: Each time you hit a player, instead of losing a life point, he has to discard all cards from his hand. It's a very tricky weapon, sometimes you can ground for a fatal assault but it may happen that you cannot make much use of it. Play it wise!

GUITAR: Replace any player's weapon with a guitar. Until he plays a new weapon in front of him (or doesn't remove it with a Panic!/Cat Balou/etc. he cannot play BANG! cards in his turn. Sometimes you just need to calm some players down...this is the best solution!

TELEPORT: it's like the JAIL, but in reverse. You have to draw at the end of the turn, and if it's Hearts, you play one more turn. If you think it works too rarely, play another version: the TELEPORT remains in play until someone doesn't take it from you.

PERSUASION: Up to twice per turn, you may give someone a card from your hand and take a random card from that player. Are you holding a useless Phantasma for rounds? It's time to get rid of it!

JARATE: Play on any player. Until he is covered with Jarate, he needs 2 Missed! cards to cancel a BANG!. A good tool that helps you to solve your problems. Just play it on your target and let the others finish the dirty job.
Here you can see the suits and numbers of the new cards.
As you can see, the deck also contains some BANG! and Missed! cards in order to keep the game balance. Please find a table below to see how the ratios has changed:
Bang Bang!+Dodge City Bang+Dodge City+Team Fortress expansion
Probability of the Dynamite to explode:
Basic game (with or without Dodge City): 12,5%
Basic game + Team Fortress 2: 13%
Basic game + Dodge City + TF2: 12,9%