Hi all, finally my expansion is all set!
Please find attached the documents, if you would like to print it yourself. Take care: the attached pngs are not lossless, so I suggest only downloading the PDF files.
When printing, set it to A4 borderless to get a mm-accurate result.
Recommended paper type: VIA Linen 270g
Update: 11/11/2016
Minor color correction for blue cards
Soldier is revised so that he is not affected by any attacking cards targeting all players - a bit more powerful than the former invulnerability against Indians and Gatling.
Update: 20/06/2016
Clarified Spy ability
Corrected typos in disclaimer
- optimalised card template orientation
- font type and size alignment and correction
- card back colour correction
- character card border colour correction
- updated life marker bullets position
- character card pictures colour correction
- updated Soldier character picture
- revised Demoman ability
- updated Scout ability
- updated Spy ability
- brown card border colour correction
- poker numbers added
- updated Arson layout
- updated Dead Ringer layout with Missed! symbol
- updated Sandman
- updated Teleport
- updated Trader
- Health Pack removed
- updated Ubercharge (typo)
Playing cards:
Event cards, rules and cover: